Currently serves as the head of Division of Vascular Surgery at the University Hospital Leipzig, Germany. Originally from Romania, she completed her training in vascular surgery at the University Heart Center Freiburg-Bad Krozingen, Germany and joined the Leipzig faculty in 2014. Her clinical and research work focuses on the endovascular treatment of complex aortic disease, as well as the hybrid recanalization of multilevel peripheral arterial disease in patients with critical limb ischemia to prevent amputation. She has been serving as a Principal Investigator for multiple national and international clinical research studies, and she has published her work, comprising more than 35 papers, in prestigious scientific journals. Dr. Branzan has been invited to demonstrate her expertise in multiple Live Case Transmissions at national and international vascular meetings, where she has hence been recognized with numerous national and international awards. Furthermore, she serves as a peer-reviewer for highly ranked journals in the field of vascular disease, and she has presented her own innovative research in multiple national and international conferences. Dr. Branzan is active in a plethora of scientific organizations including the German Society of Vascular Surgery and Vascular Medicine and the European Society of Vascular Surgery. Dr. Branzan is the mother of a 7-years-old daughter.
Dr Dias is currently a Senior Consultant at the Vascular Center in Malmö. He defended his PhD thesis on endovascular aortic repair and direct intra-aneurysm pressure measurements in 2004 and became an Associate Professor of Vascular Surgery at Lund University in 2010. Dr Dias has published numerous peer reviewed articles and book chapters on vascular and endovascular surgery. He is currently the head of the Endovascular Section at the Vascular Center in Malmö, a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery and of the Guidelines Committee.
Director and organizer of the International Symposium on Techniques Endovascular (SITE), held annually between 2002 and 2006, where trained 110 fellow vascular surgeons from Brazil and the rest of the South America. In these two courses, 16 live cases of Aortic Aneurysm at Casa de Saúde São José. 4 Professional titles at the Brazilian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery and endovascular:
With the current position as Head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Service of the Santiago de Compostela University Hospital Complex and the accumulated experience during the past 5 years as Head of Service in the Ourense Hospital Complex, Dr. Mosquera is responsible for coordinating the clinical research projects associated with the Service and facilitate the work of the professionals who are in it.
The experience accumulated in recent years with more than 200 presentations in International and National congresses support his involvement in Scientific Dissemination, as well as his presence as Guest Professor in more than 100 Courses and Symposiums related to continuing medical training both nationally and internationally in the field of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.
At the moment he is the Principal Coordinating Investigator (PCI) of the prospective INNER-B study; first prospective clinical study carried out in the field of treatment of thoracoabdominal pathology with endovascular techniques.
Dr. Vicente Riambau has a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona and a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is head of Vascular Surgery at the Cardiovascular Institute of the Hospital Clínico de Barcelona.
Since 1990 he has been a specialist in Angiology and Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, treating diseases of the circulatory system.
He is currently Professor of Surgery at the University of Barcelona and a member of the most prestigious scientific societies related to vascular surgery around the world. He is Visiting Professor at the Universities of Stanford (USA), Pittsburg (USA) and Belgrade (Serbia). He is Former President of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), President of the American Society for Angiology (Spanish Section) and Vice President of the ISVS (International Society for Vascular Surgery). He is a member of 15 editorial committees of international scientific journals and directs the Spanish publication Técnicas Endovasulares.
Founder and President of the Endovascular Foundation. But his main merit is the attention to his patients, to whom he dedicates himself full time.
Vascular surgeon. Chief, department of Vascular Surgery Fundación Valle del lili Cali-Colombia. Associate professor University ICESI Cali-colombia. President of the Society of Endovascular Surgeons of Latin America (CELA).
Licenciado en Medicina por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Especialista en Angiología y Cirugía Vascular (Hopital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela). Ex-secretario de la SNACV. Ex-secretario de la SGACV. Jefe de Servicio de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular del Compleho Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña ( CHUAC). Co director del SITE/SAM.
After graduating from medical school at the Paris VI University in 1994, Stéphan Haulon started a general and vascular surgery residency at the Lille University Hospital. This was followed by a vascular surgery fellowship in 2000. In 2002 he defended his PhD-thesis in Biomaterial research and then left France to do a research endovascular fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, under the supervision of Dr. Roy K. Greenberg. In 2003 he returned to Lille as a staff vascular surgeon at the University Hospital. In 2006 he was appointed Professor of Vascular Surgery. In 2009 he was invited to chair the vascular surgical department in Lille, and in 2017 was appointed chairman of the Aortic Centre at Hôpital Marie Lannelongue, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph, Université Paris Saclay.
Stéphan’s main interest is in aortic surgery, particularly the endovascular treatment of complex thoraco-abdominal, arch aortic aneurysms and dissections, and intra-operative imaging applications. He has published extensively in the international peer review literature and is considered a key opinion leader on these subjects.
He is a co-director of the Paris Vascular Insights meeting, of the Critical Issues in Aortic Endografting Expert Symposium, and of the annual Charing Cross Symposium.
He was elected councilor at the board of the European Society for Vascular Surgery and at the board of the French Society for Vascular Surgery, and a SVS member. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Vascular Surgery, the Journal of Endovascular Therapy, and the Annals of Vascular Surgery.
Finally, Stephan was the president elect of the European Society for Vascular Surgery 2019-2020.
Gustavo Oderich, MD, FACS is Professor of Surgery and Chair of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at McGovern Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). He is the Director of the Aortic Center and of the Advanced Endovascular Aortic Program at the Memorial Hermann Hospital. Dr. Oderich relocated from the Mayo Clinic where he practiced for 20 years and was the immediate past Chair of the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. He is a genuine academic surgeon who has become world-renowned for advancements in fenestrated and branched stent-graft technology to treat complex aortic aneurysms and dissections. Dr. Oderich has an extensive bibliography that includes three edited books, over 600 publications in peer-reviewed journals, abstracts and book chapters. He is Associate Editor in two international journals and is a member of the editorial board of over 30 surgical and medical journals. Dr. Oderich is a member of numerous societies including American Surgical, ACS, SVS and ESVS.
Fiona Rohlffs works as a Consultant for vascular surgery at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). Her special fields of interest include complex endovascular aortic repair as well as the treatment of Vascular Malformations. Her research activities include both fields of her specialisation and she is a frequent speaker on vascular Meetings around the world.
Hence JM Verhagen, MD PhD, graduated from medical school in 1992. He started his Surgical training with several rotations in The Netherlands, Zimbabwe and the UK. His Vascular fellowship was done at The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia, where he developed his special interest in minimal-invasive endovascular therapies and endovascular aneurysm treatment in particular. In 2002, he accepted a position as Associate Professor in Vascular Surgery at the University Medical Center in Utrecht. In 2007 he was appointed as Professor, Chief, and Head of training of Vascular Surgery at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
He is an internationally renowned expert in this field and was invited as visiting professor in several of the most prestigious hospitals in the United States of America. He has organized many advanced international training courses on EVAR and TEVAR and is the founder of the Dutch practical course (basic and advanced) on peripheral percutaneous vascular interventions. He has performed several “first in Man” implantations of aortic endografts and is global Principal Investigator (PI) of several Aortic Stentgrafts
Professor Hence Verhagen has a special interest in Aortic pathology and interventions, including cutting-edge endovascular technologies, in which he has extensive experience. Furthermore, he is co-founder of the Cardiovascular Center Erasmus MC, scientific board member of the Dutch Institute for Clinical Auditing (DICA), consultant/scientific advisor for several medical device companies, and member of the executive board of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) He has written over 325 publications in peer-reviewed scientific medical journals, is member of many international vascular societies, reviewer for a variety of international scientific journals, faculty member for numerous international congresses, and has given hundreds of scientific presentations at international conferences including many keynote lectures. Recently, he successfully completed the executive education course “Managing Health Care Delivery” at Harvard Business School, Boston, USA, which widens his managerial and leadership skills and helped him to co-initiate and start the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Academy to increase awareness for, and setup training programs in, vascular disease and aortic pathology. Momentarily, he is president of the Dutch Society for Vascular Surgery, board member of the Dutch Surgical Society, and president of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS).
Jean-Paul P.M. de Vries is vascular surgeon and head of the department of Surgery of the University Medical Centre in Groningen. He is also professor in surgery, with focus on innovative technology, imbedded in the dr. W.J. Kolff Institute. He is one of the board members of the Centre of Medical Imaging- North Eastern Netherlands (CMI-NEN). There is a strong collaboration with the Technical University in Enschede and multiple PhD-ers are working at the department of Surgery as well as at the Technical University. Moreover, there is a partnership with the department of Biomedical Engineering and the Surgical Research Lab. This results in a mixture of fundamental and patient-orientated research lines.
He is one of the founders of the Dutch Endovascular Alliance (DEALL), a multicentre Dutch research platform to perform dedicated (endo) vascular research. He is in the frontiers of innovative research in Vascular Surgery mainly focussing on optimizing imaging pre- and post-endovascular aneurysm repair, development of non-invasive tissue perfusion techniques in peripheral arterial disease and implementation of telemonitoring in the peri-operative period. Besides, he is distinguished reviewer for the Journal of Vascular Surgery, reviewer of the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Vascular, and the Journal of Endovascular Therapy. He is member of the editorial boards of the JEVT, J. Cardiovasc Surg, and the EJVES. He published more than 370 peer review manuscripts, several book chapters for international vascular textbooks, edited a textbook with focus on endovascular aneurysm repair, and is faculty member of multiple international vascular congresses.
Dr Ferreira focuses on the clinical evaluation, open surgical and endovascular treatment of aneurysms and dissections, involving any segment of the aorta, including the aortoiliac, juxtarenal, pararenal, complex abdominal, thoracoabdominal and aortic arch. He serves as Chief of Endovascular Surgery at Clínica La Sagrada Familia and also at the CardioVascular Surgery Service at the Hospital Alemán de Buenos Aires . He has experience specially for complex aortic aneurysms using fenestrated and branched stent-grafts. He serves as proctor for Cook and Medtronic Technology. Dr. Ferreira has performed over 1,000 endovascular repairs, including standard EVARs and FEVAR/BEVAR, bringing over one decade of experience from the Clínica La Sagrada Familia.
Dr. Ferreira served now as Governor of the Argentinian Chapter of the Society for Vascular Surgery. With Prof. Ricardo La Mura spearheaded and developed extensive experience with endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms and dissections using complex devices, with significant reduction in mortality and morbidity compared to results of open surgical repair. Also, they were interested in mentored and trained vascular residents and fellows, over more than 20 years. He is a member of 4 national and international vascular and cardiovascular societies. He has delivered over 300 lectures and addresses in national and international meetings, and 40 publications. He won 12 prizes including the Premio Academia Nacional de Medicina and he has a PhD at the University of Buenos Aires. He also organized the Annual Week of the Aneurysm, for AAA screening and participated in multicenter national and international trails and registries.
Gaspar Mestres, MD, PhD, FEBVS, is a vascular surgeon of the Vascular Surgery Division, Cardiovascular Surgery Department – Cardiovascular Institute. Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Spain.
Dr. Gaspar Mestres was born in 1979 in Barcelona, Spain. He received his MD from the University of Barcelona in 2003, completed the internship and residency in Angiology and Vascular Surgery in Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Autonomous University of Barcelona) in 2009, obtained the PhD in 2010 in the same university in endovascular aortic surgery research, and achieved the FEBVS in 2011. He is a staff member of the Vascular Surgery Division in the Hospital Clinic (Barcelona, Spain) since 2009, surgeon in charge of the Vascular Access Unit of the Hospital Clinic (regional reference center in vascular access creation and maintenance), and Professor of the Faculty of Medicine (University of Barcelona) since 2020.
His current research focuses mainly on vascular access surgery (access creation and follow-up, pre and intraoperative ultrasound assessment, chronic vascular access flow measurements and dysfunction detection, early postoperative vascular access thrombosis, imaging study of vascular access anastomosis, and new devices in vascular access) and endovascular aortic surgery. In this field, research is focused on populational studies in AAA repair performance, late performance of aortic endografts, uncommon complications of endografts, its applications in uncommon diseases or in off-label conditions, and in-vitro performance of endografts in off-label indications, as parallel stent technique.
Consultant in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Ramon y Cajal University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. Fellow European Board Vascular Surgery. Felow American College of Surgeons PHD in Medicine and Surgery Universidad Alcala de Henares. Master in Health Management at “Centro de Estudios Financieros”.
Professor of general and vascular surgery. Head of the Clinic of Vascular Surgery at the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine in Warsaw since 2009 and Medical Faculty Board Member at the Medical University of Warsaw. Past President of the Polish Society for Vascular Surgery, member of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists and European Society for Vascular Surgery. One of the pioneers of endovascular surgery in Poland.
His main research interests focus on open and endovascular treatment of abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms with the use of branched and fenestrated stent-grafts.He is the designer of the first Polish peripheral balloon-expandable stent, the inventor of Colt and Colt 2.0 – two multi-branched stent-grafts for the treatment of thoraco-abdominal aneurysms and co-inventor of other endovascular devices produced by international medical companies. He is the principal investigator in many ongoing clinical trials in the field of vascular surgery.
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