EACCME Accreditation

EACCME Accreditation


Accreditation by the EACCME means that the CME/CPD activity provided is of high scientific value, is free of commercial bias and promotes active adult learning.


This is of paramount importance to doctors who need to report to their National Accreditation Authority on their CME/CPD activity over a certain period of time, and this even more now that many national systems are (becoming) mandatory and not voluntary.

As all accredited events are published on the EACCME platform, doctors can easily find an EACCME accredited event to attend according to their field of interest.


By attending an EACCME accredited event, they will be able to obtain European CME credits (ECMEC) which are recognized not only in a majority of European countries (with which the EACCME has signed agreements), but also in the USA and Canada. By handing in their EACCME certificate to their National Accreditation Authority, their credits will automatically be recognized and converted into national credits.


23rd International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics (SITE Barcelona 2023), Barcelona, Spain, 05/10/2023-07/10/2023 has been granted 19 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).


Participants will be able to download the certificate from the website after the congress.

SITE Santiago 2024 on-demand content  is  available online.

You can already access a wide range of session replays and recordings. Access here.